Friday, September 4, 2009

Belleview/Lincoln Elementary School, 1909

1330 East 15th Street

Built in 1909, Bellview School sits at the northwest corner of the Swan Lake Historic District. Until its closing in 1990, this elementary school was the oldest operational school in the city of Tulsa. (photo courtesy of the Beryl Ford Collection/Rotary Club of Tulsa, Tulsa City-County Library and Tulsa Historical Society)

Originally named Bellview, the name was changed to Lincoln in 1914. The original three-story building was built outside the city limits and had no running water or rest room facilities. Perimeter buildings were added between 1916 and 1922. Patio areas originally extended off each classroom. These were later enclosed to make hallways. The bell tower in the original building was taken down in 1967 after being struck by lightning. (Post card from

The west side is The Gray Snail Saloon.

Notable graduates of Lincoln Elementary School include Tony Randall (known to his classmates as A. Leonard Rosenberg), Bill "Hopalong Cassidy" Boyd, and Moscelyne Larkin, co-founder of Tulsa Ballet Theater.

The entrance on the south (back) side still has the Lincoln school name.

The old school was converted into a retail/office complex in 1993 and renamed Lincoln Plaza on Cherry Street. A groundbreaking was held on July 9, 1993 by the developers, Orcutt Development Company (named in honor of the area’s founders). Architect Michael Dwyer developed the plans for the new center."

The north side faces Cherry Street and is Jason's Deli.

Today, Lincoln Plaza's shops and restaurants remain a busy and lively focal point of the neighborhood, enjoyed by people from all over the greater Tulsa area. This is also the site of the Cherry Street Farmers' Market on Saturday mornings from April to October. (Excerpted from Tulsa Preservation Commission)


  1. One of the "Ghost Tours" stops at this building. Several haunted stories, notably involving school children from long ago. We didn't see anything when we were there though. Just had a drink and enjoyed the atmosphere!

    1. That is weird in itself that they would try to call this place haunted as its not haunted. I am 39 and went there in 3rd grade. It was not haunted while I went there. I also played on the jungle gyms and the playgrounds were never haunted nor was it even thought of at that time. If there are "spirits" there now they were not from school children. We were very happy and death was never on our minds as we played and learned. :) Just saying! :)

    2. My grandfather Edward T. Miller was 94 in 1977 when he passed away, he worked as a custodian at Lincoln many years ago and became a minister from Bacone College. He told me that he would take in the homeless and feed them left over lunches that the rich kids didn't eat, then ran them out early in the morning before school started.

  2. I am a 72 year year old retired Doctor.. I grew up in Tulsa and went to Lincoln Grade School
    (1945-1948). I remember it well. I walked to school every morning down 15th street from 15th and Troost. I am proud of my school. I now live in Kansas.

    1. I am now the same 72 y/o retired doctor, except now I am the 81 y/o retired doctor who walked Troost every morning to Lincoln Grade School. What a great memory! NB

    2. I went to Lincoln grade school in Tulsa about the same time you did.I was a couple of years behind you.Maybe we knew each other. Phil Lassiter email me

  3. I was part of the last 5th grade group to graduate Lincoln Elementary. I remember helping pack boxes and teachers telling me i could have some of the pictures that hung in the hallways for so many years. I won student of the year and won the spelling bee that year. I remember us kids playing on the steps of the Lincoln Annex, (Formerly Bellview). I remember how bizarre it felt to look in the windows and see all the old desks and books still sitting in the rooms. It was like they took out what they wanted and locked the doors forever. Every time i drive by there Lincoln holds a special place in my heart. I was part of history as the last graduates of Lincoln Elementary.

    1. I remember the last yr before they shut it down. My brother was in 5th grade and I was in kindergarten. They let us take any books we wanted home with us. So crazy that you were also in the 5th grade class.

  4. Going through old boxes and ran across a post-card of "Belleview School, Tulsa, Okla". It is dated Nov 10, 1913. Sent from Nancy Clevenger to Minnie Clevenger, Enid, Okla. Just looked it up on Internet to view history. If the school has special meaning to you, you are welcome to the postcard.

  5. I attended Lincoln Elementary 1954- 1956. We were city champions in baseball, Lincoln Leopards 1956. Teachers I remember are Mrs. Dupy and Mrs.Story, 4th and 5th grade. I remember the office well, they really tried hard. Played a lot of sand lot soccer on the playground, lots of bruised shins. John Roop

    1. John , you were 1 yr ahead of me , but we played a lot of 5 and sixth grade soccer together , Sorry bout the shins , hey , we played to the walls , Every game was life or death win . LOL BEST OF TIMES

    2. Do you know a Tommy grimes that went there about that time? Indian male!!!!

  6. My grandmother was a cook at the shool and my
    grandfather was the janitor, from about 1928-1948.

  7. I went to school there from k thru 5th grade 1983 untill 1988 ! Lots of good memories !

    1. Jennifer Barnett GalvanSeptember 14, 2022 at 12:11 AM

      James Buie, we were always there together my friend. I hold all of you in my heart ❤️ even still today.

  8. I attended Lincoln from 1955 through 1961 and loved it dearly. Moved from Tulsa in April, 1961 to Harrison, Ar and graduated from Harrison High School in 1967. I still have my class picture of 1960-61 and rembember many of the classmates fondly.

  9. I attended Lincoln Elementary from 1967 through 1971 when it was referred to as "Stinkin Lincoln" by the Catholic school kids down the block. Memories of swats from a Ms. Williams who taught 6th grade. For a female teacher she could sure light you up. Moved out of state, but was back a few years ago and enjoyed shopping the old school.

    1. Ha, she never got me but 5th grade teacher Ruth Abraham, did! Caught me with a reading book (loved reading) tucked into my math book during math time. I took 5 swats for my love of reading and still not cured.

      Kendra Woody Machen 1970-74

    2. I was in Miss Abraham's class in 1970-1971! I am Chris Newton and my friends were Ricky Mclure and Eddie Osterloh. I walked from my apartment building at 10th and Detroit. That was the only time I ever lived in Oklahoma.

    3. Went their for a couple of years myself around that time, I believe Mrs. Smith (?) was the Gym teacher and she was great, no nonsense down to business type. When her son walked into the Gym class in front of us (in uniform) who just returned from the Vietnam War she just broke down and cried in front of us all, very touching moment.

      Played Soccer on the north field and Tether Ball on the south. I "believe" Mrs. Dewitt was my music teacher, she was outstanding in teaching us, haven't come across a music teacher as good as her since.

    4. I recall Mrs. Smith and a young Marine sitting on the stage in the gym one day. I thought he was her husband, didn't know she had a son in the war. I recall she was pretty strict at times. I recall when she left Lincoln. I think I was in the 4th or 5th grade.

      It was a very different time.

  10. I was in the 6th grade in 1984 in Mr Denny's class. I went to 4th 5th and 6th grade at Lincoln. I loved that school. Our principal was Marion Warner and my 4th and 5th grade teacher was Mrs. Abraham. She was very sweet. We would walk to school and cross Peoria and there was a very kind old man that was the crossing guard that helped us every day. There was an arcade across the street and the kids would skip school and hang out over there and sometimes got caught. Our music teacher was Mrs. Dewitt. She wrote the school song when I was attending there.. it went like this. We are honest we are able, we are scout hearted true, we stand behind our colors, gold and royal blue. L I N C O L N is the BEST, we're just a notch above all of the rest. We shoot for the top and QUALITY.. LINCOLN ELEMENTARY.. SING IT AGAIN....LINCOLN ELEMENTARY!

  11. Attended 'Stinkin Lincoln' (Stinkin' Lincoln had been drinkin', looks like water, tastes like wine, oh my gosh, it's tur-pen-tine!') '74-'79 (?)

    Let's see: Mr. Cagle was the Principal, Ms Zimmerman "I'm gonna box yer ears!" (2nd Grade HR), Ms Boughner/Ms Hale (3rd Grade HR), Ms Nancy Borders (4th Grade HR), Ms Abraham (5th), Mr Denny, Ms Barbara Marshall (PE), Ms Abel (Art & Science), Ms Schultz (Librarian), Ms Witt (Music). Used to hang out under the big tree on the 15th street side and dig tunnels in the sand. From the original school house, there was sidewalk that connected it to the principal's office. During recess, grades 4-6 could play on the north side, grades 1-3 on the south. Used to have popcorn Fridays (10 cents a bag). Played basketball in 6th grade (Mr Burgess of Burgess Hardware was our "coach"). We lost every game except one when the other team forfeited! I think Kenny Monday, the great Olympic wrestler attended Lincoln for a time in the special ed classes. He beat me at the 50-yard dash on sports day. Great times.

    1. Nancy Borders was probably my all time favorite teacher for my entire life. So kind and such a good teacher! Sounds like we had the same teachers. I was spared, "Zimmerman" but my poor little brother was smacked around by her a few times.

    2. Ms. Borders was so awesome. I was part of the last graduating class at Lincoln from 88-90 and She was my 4th grade teacher. She was there right till the end. I can never forget how she graded papers with her red pen. 100%- SMILEY FACE- A+ -STAR - Excellent...I also had an awesome science teacher I wont ever forget..Mr. Jones!

    3. I had Mrs Borders as well. I loved her and keep her in my heart. I remember one day we were watching a science video and two bugs were mating. I was a little girl and started giggling. I remember her sending me to the hall. I was so upset! Loved her so much I hated disappointing her. Lol memories...

    4. I attended same time if you know mike zimmer holler back

    5. I recall Mrs. Borders in the mid- to late 1960s. Mr. Cagle was the principal (he always referred to us as "kiddos" on the new intercom). I thought Mrs. Boughner was the librarian but it has been more than a half-century ago. She was very strict if a child spoke or played during library time, but she adored my sister and me because we always wanted to read. We sometimes would ask her for any books the school didn't need. She'd walk to the stacks, pull out a book or two, read the check-out history and then pull the card pocket out and give it to us with a slight smile.

  12. Holy cow! The previous anonymous comment went to school with me! I went from 1st grade to 6th which was 1978 I'm sure. It seems we had a Mr. Abrams for principal at some point. (Abrams, Lincoln, it was close enough to Abraham Lincoln for us kids and he was really tall) I remember Mrs. Zimmerman! Ms. Boughner left mid year (I think I got her fired when I told my mom she had alcohol in the school) and Mrs. Hale came in. Mrs. Borders in 4th. Mr. Denny was my 5th and 6th grade teacher. He had a split class. Mrs. Marshall taught gym. Can't remember too many other names. I was on the basketball team too! Some classmates include Tobi Purcell, Keith who was the fastest kid in class, Jerry Spackman, Jody...

    1. I was in the same class! I remember Ms Boughner falling asleep at her desk and nearly falling out of her chair when one of the kids snuck up on her and startled her awake. She yelled: "Child you are gonna take my life!" And she always told us that we could try the patients of Job.
      Mrs Berry, Mrs Zimmerman, Mrs Jenkins was music, Mrs Abraham, cannot remember the art teacher's name but she had all those shirts that we put on backwards to protect our clothes.
      Other classmates were Steve Watson, Shannon Murphy

  13. Uh-oh, my cover is blown. That was the rumor: "Ms. Boughner has booze in her desk." She had already lost control and the inmates were running the asylum. We used to 'go to the bathroom' mid-class and never come back, writing graffiti on the walls and hang out making fart sounds (we were in 3rd grade!). Mrs Hale came in mid-year. Discipline! She used to read us The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (Tales of Narnia) and she tried her best to teach us fractions.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I attended 2nd grade with Ms.Zimmerman. My memory of her is tainted with her hateful, or at least impatient disposition towards us. I'm 48 now and know how annoying kids can be but because of that experience I've tried to be more patient and gentle towards children as bad memories never wane as much as good memories. She paddled me in front of the class for something I did not do (someone wrote on the bathroom wall and signed it Stacy). One of the greatest memories of my life is that my mother believed me! My mother also battled with Ms. Zimmerman who hurt her feelings by telling my mom, "You dress Stacy like she's going to a party everyday, you should let her dress herself'". I heckled at her front door when she broke her leg and still feel badly for that but hurting my feelings and especially my mom's feelings made me very angry and unable to see anything redeeming in that woman. I'm sure she was just having a rough year and I try to negate my toxic feelings against another human being, especially a teacher. I've pounded into my kids to respect and appreciate their teachers but can spot a sour one a mile away!!

  16. I attended Lincoln in 1935-36 for the fifth & sixth grades. As I recall my classes were in the perimeter buildings. Those were the years of the worst dust storms. Our teachers were very kind. The Great Depression was still choking the nation. So, we had many children who hadn't proper clothing. A friend came to school barefoot through the snow. He was called out of class to see the principal. When he returned he had on high top shoes (too large). But no stockings. I can't recall any teacher who was mean. People had compassion for each other in those darkest of days. I'll be 90 this week
    and still have strong memories of beautiful Tulsa.

  17. I am 70 and attended Lincoln in the 2nd and 3rd grades. If I remember, there was an interior open area that was used for recess and playground. If anyone sees this I'd like to know if my memory is still working!! Please let me know. We live about 4 blocks south on Rockford.

  18. Attended Lincoln from about 1952 to 1957. My teachers were Ms. Wilson, Butler, Sewell, Dupy, Faulkner,and Mr Rainwater. I can't remember the names of others. I do remember the huge, gravel playground where I received lots of scrapes, the special ed. kids who were so sweet, talking with people at the corner of 15th and Peoria (strangers) and watching the funeral procession of Mr Shelly at the church at 15th and Quaker. I lived at 13th and Quincy which now is a part of the BA expressway. Good memories.

    1. I lived at 12th and Quaker! Walked to school each day years before the expressway came in. Really fond memories of the school.

    2. I am researching Martin Follett Smith who owned Bellview Grocery store and lived at 1413 S. Quaker. Does anyone know where the store was located or anything about M>F> Smith.

    3. Did you know an Indian male named Tommy Grimes?

    4. I'm looking for a guy who went there 1952-1954 at least. He may have gone there longer. His name is Tommy Grimes. If he is still alive he would be around 67 years old. Do you have a year book? Or maybe remember him?

    5. I attended first semester Kindergarten of the 52-53 school year and then moved to Oklahoma City. I lived with my grandmother, whose house was on S.Quincy in the 1200 block. There was a girl named DeAnn (I think) right across the street, in my same grade.

  19. I believe it was '84 or '85 when I started there I was in the 2nd grade and stayed until I was in the 4th grade we moved and I started at whitier after that....I wish I could remember some of the teachers but I do remember that I had my first boyfriend in the 4th grade and his name was Caleb and I had a good friend there her name was Karen and she was in a wheelchair....I loved attending Lincoln.

  20. I'm looking for a guy who went there 1952-1954 at least. He may have gone there longer. His name is Tommy Grimes. If he is still alive he would be around 67 years old. Do you have a year book? Or maybe remember him?

    1. I was at Lincoln around 1952,there was a classmate Dana Sue Grimes,now Walker.She still is in Tulsa I believe.I don't know if Tommy was related.

  21. I was there from about 1947 to 1953.Mrs.Dupy,Faulkner,Butler,Story,Jacobs,Peggy Cunningham.Principles were Dr.McCloud and Dr.Denny.My dad called it Stinkin Lincoln and I thought it was because my dad was a Democrat and Abraham Lincoln wasn't.I always wanted to go up into the old belfry, where the school bell was.
    Phil Lassiter,Tulsa

  22. Let's reclaim the name. If Lee is to change names, why not Lincoln?

  23. I attended Lincoln from 1953 to 1957, kindergarten through 3rd grade. My kindergarten teacher was Mrs. Smith. She was also my Mom's kindergarten teacher. I also remember Mrs. Sewell, Mrs. Falkner, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Jacobs and Mr. McCloud. At recess we played jacks under the covered walkway and there was a jungle gym that we climbed on and hung upside down. Some, not me, even stood on top. We could check out wooden stilts from the gym at recess. Those were fun, too. I remember the section where they children were that were in wheelchairs mostly from polio. I felt so bad for them...a scary time. We had to go downstairs to the cafeteria which was under the gymnasium. All in all great memories!

  24. I went there from K-6... loved mrs. Berry, mrs. Borders, Mrs. Abraham & Mrs. Abel( science backwards shirts) & Mr. Denny ....however Mrs. Zimmerman I was not at all crazy about.... I have lots of great memories there..... started K in 1975 .. Mrs. Shapiro had came in to teach gym before the end of 6 th grade.... my brother also attended This school but he is 8 yrs. older than me.... my name then was Debra Morgan & my bro is Doug Morgan

    1. I remember Mrs. Zimmerman. She was the chalk mover. :) I also remember Mrs. Abel. Do you remember the shirt signings at the end of the year?

  25. I went there the year it closed. I was in 3rd grade. I remember the rolling hallways and the old fashioned water fountains. I thought it was one of the best schools in grade school that I attended. It was very sad to find out later that it was closing down. I also remember the jungle gym as that was my favorite time. We moved across those monkey bars as fast as we could. I had nothing but good memories here. I had a teacher (cant remember her name) that said that there was magic school chalk that moved across the chalk board. The further to the right it went the faster we were going to get a checkmark for the day which meant we were that much closer to a pizza party. That was amazing and I use those ideas in my parenting and homeschool room.

    1. I should mention that there was no ghost like figures (as some have suggested) in this school. I am sure that it is the essence of the thought of how things were back then. If there are any "ghosts" now it is not because of that time. I am soooo not old. I am a millinial/generation x. I was there and I find it interesting that people often refer to closed down buildings as haunted from the people that attended. It also might be the windows if they have not been replaced. I no longer live there so I have no idea whether those windows still exist. They were kind of spooky because they were cloudy. Just a thought. :)

    2. When I first went to Lincoln, we had no hallways, only the breezeways. When the wind blew snow, we'd come inside and put our coats in the coat room and warm up from the radiators. In the late spring and early autumn, the hot wind blew dust across the playground. But it the heat didn't seem bad.

      The teachers would march us down the breezeway to sip water from the fountain near the Kindergarten room.

      A couple years later, the breezeways were closed in. But I always preferred the breezeways. Each classroom was like a schoolhouse of its own. ghosts! ;)

  26. @Nooble
    I work in this building and heard multiple stories from co workers about beings that weren't human

  27. K-5 for me. ending in the '79-'80 school year

    1. I went there from 79-84, k- 4th. My childhood memories of this place were awesome 👌 I still have a tshirt from it..(memories of this place will be with me forever.

    2. I taught there from 1979-1981. I enjoyed it very much.
